Gary Wallace Letter

In response to:  A win-win for labor, environment in Kalama | The Stand

Remember the self-serving source.  This is an industry publication with blinders about the health risks----short and long-term.  Notice nothing about negative health effects and the associated social  costs. How will NWIW mitigate that?  They will cut and run as needed.

              Zero about the Chinese Communist government infiltrating our infrastructure. 

              Nothing about the loan guarantees to be hung around the taxpayers’ necks.

              Nothing about how coal plants are to be shut down due to this project---what a pie-in-the-sky load of BS.

              How about the Port of Kalama enforcing their product usage (Amendment 1) to guarantee this product would never be used for fuel.  Restart the process for permitting---major “no go.”

              Zero about the lack of taxes paid----the Port of Kalama advertises the “No Taxes” in their recruiting brochure---look on their website.

              Never mind that the labor group that will assemble the parts shipped from China.  Per NWIW they will be coming from the petro-chemical cancer alley regions in Texas and Louisiana; so how many real long-term construction jobs will really be going to the local (Cowlitz County) unions. The article specifically says the IBEW, but nobody else. Pretty limited.

              As for the LCC program---it may have up to 20 people in the training class.  So, how is that going to be the direct and the (inflated) indirect supported jobs stated in the article?  Remember, the NWIW website states “you must be able to speak fluent Chinese (dialect?)” to get considered for upper (and likely, mid-level) management.  Not too many qualified on this point.

              Nothing about the dishonesty portrayed by their permit applications---olefins, or maybe fuel if the investors must know.  A very sleazy approach to being “part of the community”.
              Never mind that the author does not live in Kalama or the immediate effected area, as far as I know.  His property value won’t go down.

              Just a few quick observations that jump into my analysis.  This is the “Keep lying and soon the (appropriate) audience will begin to believe the poison pen (and pill) that they seem willing to sell-out the rest of their neighbors.  Shallow thinking. 



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